Saturday, January 19, 2013

pintrest detox bath

So a couple of months ago I read about this detox bath on Pintrest and decided to give it a try. (It's posted on my health, beauty and fitness page) I tried it today and altered the recipe a little bit cause I didn't have enough of everything for my bath which is a little bigger than your standard bath tub. I took two bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide $.88 at Wal-mart, three tablespoons of ginger and about two cups of Epsom Salt. Filled my bath with hot water and sat in it for about 20 minutes. Couldn't go longer than that today cause i felt another headache coming on and I just gotten rid of one this morning. But when I got out of the bath i got a whole bunch of dead skin off and I felt so much better. It was one of those really awesome relaxed feelings you get after you work out. So now to sit and replenish my body with some water :)