Monday, February 4, 2013

Upcycled paper bag to basket

 So after months of not having the internet at my house I thought I would share with you some of the projects that I did over the last six months or so. This project came from another project that I have in my to do pile. I took the handles off the paper bags I have been collecting and saved them convinced that I would eventually make a basket. I saw on and I posted it to my Pinterest page. you can look me up my user name is brookekaminski :-) follow me here

Anyway here are the pictures I took while making the basket.

All done isn't it cute!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brooke!
    Clever basket!!! I like it and think that is a great idea. I would never have guessed it is made form paper bags. :D

    You are one of my winners in the Scrumptious Tilda Yarn Give Away!

    I apologize for contacting you so late after the reveal but I have been away for the weekend. Please send me your shipping details so that I can ship your choice of yarn:

    33 Yellow
    70 Blue
    46 Deepred

    Correct me if I am wrong or if you have changed your mind. I will put in my order on Wednesday this week.

    Thank you for playing the game and have a lovely crafty day.

    My Rose Valley
